J. de la Figuera and K.F. McCarty, "Low-energy electron microscopy", in "Surface Science Techniques", Eds. G. Bracco and B. Holst, Springer Series in Surface Sciences, 51 (2013) 531.
J. de la Figuera, L. Vergara, A. T. N'Diaye, A. Quesada, A. K. Schmid, "Micromagnetism in (001) magnetite by spin-polarized low-energy electron microscopy", Ultramicroscopy 130 (2013) 77-81 DOI:10.1016/j.ultramic.2013.02.020, arxiv 1301.4350
J.L. Gautier, J.P. Monrás, I.O. Osorio-Román, C.C. Vásquez, D. Bravo, T. Herranz, J.F. Marco, J.M. Pérez-Donoso, "Surface characterization of GSH-CdTe quantum dots", Mat. Chem. Phys. (2013), DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2013.03.008
G.A.P. Alcázar, L.E. Zamora, J.A. Tabares. J.F. Piamba, J.M. González, J.M. Grenèche, A. Martínez, J.J. Romero y J.F. Marco, "Evidence of magnetic dipolar interaction in micrometric powders of the Fe50Mn10Al40 system: melted alloys", J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 327 (2013) 137.
M.J. Whitaker, J.F. Marco, F.J. Berry, C. Taith, E. Blackburn y C. Greaves, "Structural and magnetic characterisation of the pryrochlores Bi2-xFex(FeSb)O7, (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.3), Nd1.8Fe0.2(FeSb)O7 and Pr2(FeSb)O7". J. Solid State Chem. 198 (2013) 316.
P. Prieto, J. De la Figuera, J.M. Sanz y J.F. Marco, “Effects of low energy ion bombardment on the formation of cubic iron mononitride thin films”, Thin Solid Films 539 (2013) 35-40.
M. Oujja, M Sanz, E. Rebollar, J.F. Marco, M. Castillejo, C. Domingo, P. Pouli, S. Kogou y C. Fotakis, “Wavelength and pulse duration effect on laser induced changes on raw pigments used in paintings”, Spectrochim. Acta A: Mol. Biomol. Spec. 102 (2013) 7-14.
N.N.M. Gurushinge, J. De la Figuera, J.F. Marco, M.F. Thomas, F.J. Berry y C. Greaves, “Synthesis and characterisation of the Ruddlesden-Popper phases Ln2Sr(Ba)Fe2O7 (Ln=La, Nd, Eu)", Mater. Res. Bull. 48 (2013) 3537-3544.
M. Sanz, M. Oujja, E. Rebollar, J.F. Marco, J. de la Figuera, M. Monti, A. Bollero, J. Camarero, F.J. Pedrosa, M. García-Hernández y M. Castillejo, “Stoichiometric magnetite grown by infrared nanosecond pulsed laser deposition”, Appl. Surf. Sci. 282 (2013) 642-651 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.06.026.
I. Palacio, M. Monti, J.F. Marco, K.F. McCarty y J. de la Figuera, “Initial stages of FeO growth on Ru (0001)”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, (2013) 484001, DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/25/48/484001 arxiv 1301.2519. (selected by the editor for IOPSelect)
J.F. Marco, J.R. Gancedo, M. Monti y J. de la Figuera, “Mössbauer spectroscopy and surface analysis” en “Mössbauer Spectroscopy: Applications in Chemistry, Biology and Nanotechnology”, First edition. Cap. 22, pp. 455-469. V.K. Sharma, G. Klingelhofer y T. Nishida, eds. John Wiley & Sons, 2013
S. Nie, E. Starodub, M. Monti, D.A. Siegel, L. Vergara, F. El Gabaly, N. C. Bartelt, J. de la Figuera, and K.F. McCarty, "Insight into Magnetite's Redox Catalysis from Observing Surface Morphology during Oxidation", J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. 135 (2013) 10091-10098.
M. Monti, M. Sanz, M. Oujja, E. Rebollar, M. Castillejo,F. J. Pedrosa, A. Bollero, J. Camarero, J.L.F. Cuñado, N.M. Nemes, F.J. Mompean, Mar Garcia-Hernandez, S. Nie, K.F. McCarty, A.T. N’Diaye, G. Chen, A.K. Schmid, J.F. Marco, J. de la Figuera,"Room Temperature In-plane <100> Magnetic Easy Axis for Fe3O4/SrTiO3(001):Nb Grown by Infrared pulsed laser deposition", J. App. Phys. 114 (2013) 223902, DOI:10.1063/1.4837656, arxiv 1307.6873
- D.A. Siegel, W.C. Chueh, F. El Gabaly, K.F. McCarty, J. de la Figuera, M. Blanco-Rey, "Determination of the structure of CeO2(111) by low-energy electron diffraction", J. Chem. Phys. 139 (2013) 114703, DOI:10.1063/1.4820826.
- J. de la Figuera, Z. Novotny, M. Setvin, T. Liu, Z. Mao, G. Chen, A. T. N'Diaye, M. Schmid, U. Diebold, A. K. Schmid, G. S. Parkinson, "Real Space Imaging of the Verwey Transition at the (100) Surface of Magnetite", Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013) 161410(R), DOI:
- J.M. Porras-Vázquez, T. Pike, C.A. Hancock, J.F. Marco, F.J. Berry, P.S. Slater, "Investigation into the effect of Si doping on the performance of SrFeO3-δ SOFC electrode materials", J. Mater. Chem. A 1 (2013) 11834
- J.E. Alfonso, J.J. Olaya, M.J. Pinzón, J.F. Marco, "Potentiodynamic polarization studies and surface chemical composition of bismuth titanate (BixTiyOz) films produced through radiofrecuency magnetron sputtering", Materials 6 (2013) 4441-4449; DOI:10.3390/ma6104441
- J.E. Alfonso, M. Cárdenas, J.F. Marco, "Influence of fabrication paameters on crystallization, microstructure, surface composition, and optical behavior of MgO thin films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering", J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 26 (2013) 2463-2466; DOI: 10.1007/s1098-012-1460-1
- I. Cubillos, J.J. Olaya, M. Bethencourt, G. Cifredo, J.F. Marco, "Producción y caracterización de películas de óxido de circonio por espray pirólisis", Rev. LatinAm. Metal. Mat. 33 (2013) 116-130.
- E.G. Garrido-Ramirez, M.L. Mora, J.F. Marco, M.S. Ureta-Zañartu, "Characterization of nanostructured allophane clays and their use as support of iron species in a heterogeneous electro-Fenton system", Applied Clay Science (2013), in press; DOI: 10.1016/j.clay.2013.10.001
- N. C. Bartelt, S. Nie, E. Starodub, I. Bernal, S. Gallego, L. Vergara, K. F. McCarty, J. de la Figuera, "Order-disorder phase transition on the (100) surface of magnetite", Phys. Rev. B 88 (2013) 235436; DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.88.235436, arxiv 1310.5979. Selected for PRB Kaleidoscope.
- J. I. Cerda , B. Santos , T. Herranz , J. M. Puerta , J. de la Figuera , and K. F. McCarty, "CO-assisted Subsurface Hydrogen Trapping in Pd(111) Films", J. Phys. Chem. Lett.3 (2012) 87 DOI:10.1021/jz201455s
- E. Meza, J. Ortiz, D. Ruiz-León, J.F. Marco and J.L. Gautier, “Lithium-nickel cobalt oxides with spinel structure prepared at low temperature. XRD, XPS, and EIS measurements”. Materials Letters 70, (2012) 189 DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2011.11.108
- R. Costo, V. Bello, C. Robic, M. Post, J.F. Marco, M.P. Morales and S. Veintemillas-Verdaguer, “Ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Improving the colloidal and magnetic properties”. Langmuir 28 (2012) 178. DOI: 10.1021/la203428z
- M. Monti, B. Santos, A. Mascaraque, O. Rodriguez la Fuente, M. A. Niño, T. O. Mentes, A. Locatelli, K. F. Mc Carty, J. F. Marco, and J. de la Figuera. “Magnetism in nanometer-thick magnetite”. Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 020404(R)DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.00.000400 (arxiv 1110.4568)
- B. Santos, S. Gallego, A. Mascaraque, K.F. McCarty, A. Quesada, A.T. N’Diaye, A.K. Schmid, and J. de la Figuera. “Hydrogen-induced reversible spin-reorientation transition and magnetic stripe domain phase in bilayer Co on Ru(0001)”, Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 134409,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.134409 (arxiv 1203.3945) X
- M. Monti, B. Santos, A. Mascaraque, O. Rodriguez la Fuente, M. A. Niño, T. O. Mentes, A. Locatelli, K. F. Mc Carty, J. F. Marco, and J. de la Figuera.“Oxidation Pathways in Bicomponent Ultrathin Iron Oxide Films”, J. Phys. Chem C 116 (2012)11539, DOI: 10.1021/jp300702
- C.A.Hancock, T.Herranz,;J.F. Marco, F.J.Berry, and P.R., "Low temperature fluorination of Sr3Fe2O7-x with polyvinylidine fluoride: An X-ray powder diffraction and Mossbauer spectroscopy study", J. Solid State Chem. 186 (2012) 195-203, DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2011.12.016
- L.I. Cabrera, A. Somoza, J.F. Marco, C.J. Serna, and M.P. Morales, "Synthesis and surface modification of uniform MFe2O4 (M=FE, M and Co) nanoparticles with tunable sizes and functionalities", J. Nanoparticle Res. 14 (2012) 873, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-012-0873-x
- L.E. Zamora, G.A.P. Alcázar, J.A: Tabares, J.J. Romero, A. Martínez, J.M. González, F.J. Palomares, and J.F. Marco, "Low temperature study of micrometric powder of melted Fe50Mn10Al40 alloy", Physica B-Condensed Matter 407 (2012) 2306-2312, DOI:10.1016/j.physb.2012.03.019
- R.D. Bayliss, F.J. Berry, B.P. de Laune, C. Greaves, O. Helgason, J.F. Marco, M.F. Thomas, L. Vergara, and M.J. Whitaker, "Magnetic interaction in ferrous antimonite, FeSb2O4, and some derivatives", J. Phys.-Condensed Matter 24 (2012) 276001, DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/24/27/276001
- T. Herranz, K. F. McCarty, B. Santos, M. Monti, and J. de la Figuera, "Real space observations of Magnesium Hydride Formation and Decomposition", Chem. Mat. 22, 1291 (2010), (arxiv1001.5409), DOI:10.1021/cm903755t
- B. Santos, J. M. Puerta, J. I. Cerda, T. Herranz, K. F. McCarty and J. de la Figuera, “Structure of ultrathin Pd films determined by low-energy electron microscopy and diffraction”, New J. Phys12, 023023 (2010)
- H. El Shinawi, J.F. Marco, F. J. Berry, C. Greaves, "LaSrCoFeO5, LaSrCoFeO5F and LaSrCoFeO5.5: New La-Sr-Co-Fe perovskites". J. Mater. Chem. 20, 3523-3529 (2010)
- M. Sanz, R. de Nalda, J.F. Marco, J. Izquierdo, L. Bañares, M. Castillejo, "Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Deposition of Nanostructured CdS Films" J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 4864-4868 (2010)
- A.F. Rebolledo, S. Laurent, M. Calero, A. Villanueva, M. Knobel, J.F. Marco y P. Tartaj, "Iron oxide nanosized clusters embedded in porous nanorods: a new colloidal design to enhance capabilities of MRI contrast agents". ACS Nano 4, 2095-2103 (2010)
- H. El Shinawi, A. Bertha, J. Hadermann, T. Herranz, B. Santos, J.F. Marco, FJ. Berry, C. Greaves, "Synthesis and characterization of La1+xSr2-xCoMnO7-delta (x=0,0.2; delta=0,1)". J. Solid State Chem. 183, 1347-1353 (2010)
- J.F. Marco, T. Herranz, M. Gracia, J.R. Gancedo, F. Moutinho, P. Prieto, J.M. Sanz, "Corrosion Behaviour under Accelerated SO2 Corrosion Tests of Thin Iron Nitride Films Prepared by Dual Ion Beam Sputtering (DIBS)". Surface Interface Anal., 42, 616-620 (2010)
- M. Gracia, J.F. Marco, J.R. Gancedo, J. Ortiz, R. Pastene, J.L. Gautier, "Characterization of the lithium-manganese ferrite LiFeMnO4 prepared by two different methods" J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 12792-12799 (2010)
- J.E. Alfonso, J. Buitrago, J. Torres, J.F. Marco, B. Santos, "Influence of fabrication parameters on crystallization, microstructure, and surface composition of NbN thin films deposited by rf magnetron sputtering" J. Mat. Sci. 45, 5528-5533 (2010)
- M. Thompson, T. Herranz, B. Santos, J.F. Marco, F.J. Berry, C. Greaves, "The ionic conductivity and local environment of cations in Bi9ReO17", J. Solid State Chem. 183, 1985-1991 (2010)
- J.F. Marco, M. Castro, "Técnicas espectroscópicas de análisis de superficies" en "Tecnología de superficies en materiales". Cap. 15, pp. 257-283. J.A. Puértolas, R. Ríos. M. Castro and J.M. Casals, eds. Editorial Síntesis, Madrid, 2010
- A. K. Schmid, B. Santos, A. Mascaraque, J. de la Figuera. Patente Internacional WO/2010/129390, "Gas sensor".
- M. Sanz, M. López-Arias, J. F. Marco, R. de Nalda, S. Amoruso, G. Ausanio, S. Lettieri, R. Bruzzese, X. Wang, M. Castillejo, "Ultrafast laser ablation and deposition of wide gap semiconductors". J. Phys. Chem. C (2011) DOI: 10.1021/jp108489k
- T. Herranz, B. Santos, K.F. McCarty and J. de la Figuera, "Real-space study of the growth of magnesium on ruthenium", Surf. Sci. 903 (2011) 605 DOI: 10.1016/j.susc.2011.02.002 (arxiv 1301.4357)
- A. Mascaraque, T. O. Mentes, K. F. McCarty, J. F. Marco, A. K. Schmid, A. Locatelli, J. de la Figuera, "Valence band circular dichroism in non-magnetic Ag/Ru(0001) at normal emission", J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 23 (2011) 305006, DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/23/30/305006 (arxiv1301.4354)
- G. Cabello, G. Funkhouser, J. Cassidy, J.F. Marco, C. Gutiérrez y A. Cuesta, “Inhibition by CO of the corrosion of Fe, Ni, and their alloys in concentrated HCl solutions”. J. Electroanal. Chem. 662 (2011) 150-156
- P. Prieto, M. Monti, J. de la Figuera, J.M. Sanz y J.F. Marco, “Mössbauer spectroscopic study of iron-nickel nitrides thin films prepared by ion beam assisted deposition”, Hyperfine Interact. 202 (2011) 47-55 DOI:10.1007/s10751-011-0359-8
- Kevin F. McCarty, John C. Hamilton, Yu Sato, Angela Saá, Roland Stumpf, Juan de la Figuera, Konrad Thürmer, Frank Jones, Andreas K. Schmid, A. Alec Talin, and Norman C. Bartelt, “How metal films de-wet substrates – identifying the kinetic pathways and energetic driving forces”, New. J. Phys.11 No 4 (April 2009) 043001 (38pp) (arxiv 0904.1037).
- Benito Santos, Elena Loginova, Arantzazu Mascaraque, Andreas K. Schmid, Kevin F. McCarty, Juan de la Figuera, “Structure and magnetism in ultrathin iron oxides characterized by low energy electron microscopy”, J. Phys. C 21 (2009) 314011 (arxiv 0812.5049).
- M. Sanz, M. Walczak, R.de Nalda, M. Oujja, J. F. Marco, J. Rodriguez, J.G. Izquierdo, L. Bañares, M. Castillejo, “Femtosecond pulsed laser deposition of nanostructured TiO2 films”. Appl. Surf. Sci. 255, 5206-5210 (2009).
- M. Walczak, E.. Papadopoulou, M. Sanz, A. Manousaki, J.F. Marco, M. Castillejo, "Structural and morphological characterization of TiO2 nanostructured films grown by nanosecond pulsed laser deposition". Appl. Surf. Sci. 255, 5267-5270 (2009).
- G R Derrick, M Mortimer, F J Berry, J F Marco, “Silica Supported Silicotungstic Acid: A study by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”. Materials Chemistry and Physics 114, 1000-1003 (2009).
- Ligia E. Zamora, G.A. Pérez Alcázar, G. Y. Vélez, J. D. Betancur, J.F. Marco, J.J. Romero, A. Martínez y J.M. González, “Disorder effect on the magnetic behavior of Fe1-xAlx, 0.2 ≤ x ≤ 0.4, mechanically alloyed alloys”. Phys. Rev. B 79, 094418 (2009).
- H. El Shinawi, J.F. Marco, F.J. Berry, C. Greaves, "Synthesis and characterization of La0.8Sr1.2Co0.5M0.5O4-d (M=Fe, Mn)". J. Solid State Chem. 182, 2261-2268 (2009).
- M. Escudero, J.F. Marco, A. Cuesta, "Surface decoration at the nanoscale using a molecular pattern: copper adsorption on cyanide-modified Pt(111) electrodes". J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 12340-12344 (2009).
- C. Berríos, J.F. Marco, C. Gutiérrez, M.S. Ureta-Zañartu, "Electro-oxidation of chlorophenols at glassy carbon electrodes modified with polyNi(II)complexes". Electrochim. Acta 54, 6417-6425 (2009).
- A. Mascaraque, L. Aballe, J. F. Marco, T. O. Mentes, F. El Gabaly, C. Klein, A. K. Schmid, K. F. McCarty,A. Locatelli, and J. de la Figuera, "Measuring the magnetization of three monolayer thick Co islands and films by x-ray dichroism", Phys. Rev. B 80, 172401 (2009), (arxiv 0910.4687) X