1. Connect the detector to the vacuum line (open valve in detector)
2. Turn the rouging pump (plug it)
3. Turn on the vacuum gauge (it has two scales, indicated as "x1" and x10, are actually x0.1 and x10)
4. Close vent valve (globe)
5. Open all valves between the detector and the pump (three including the detector itself)
6. Wait for pressure to go below 5 Torr (scale 50 "x1")
7. Close the last valve to the pump
8. Open the valve to the acetone beaker (pressure up to 200 Torr, 2000 "x1", maximum scale)
9. Close the valve to the acetone
10. Repeat from 5 at least three times
11. Open to pump until the pressure drops below 55 Torr (550 "x1")
12. Close the vavle to the roughing pump
13. Close valve in the detector
14. Reopen to the roughing pump to leave without acetone vacuum line
15. Close all valves
16. Turn off the roghing pump
17. Vent the globe
18. Turn off the vacuum gauge