Reaching us

Lab Location


Our phones are:

+34 91 561 9400 (Main phone switch at the Institute):

x442124   Main office area
x442126   Laboratorio
x442121   LEEM lab (408)
+34 91 745 9548 (direct) or x442122   Jose Marco Sanz 
+34 91 745 9517 (direct) or x442120   Juan de la Figuera
x442108   Jose Emilio Prieto
+34 91 745 9505 (direct) or x442124   PhD room
+34 91 7459535 (direct) or x442123    Meeting room

The fax number (for the Institute):

+34 91 564 2431


We are located at the Instituto de Química-Física Blas Cabrera, at c/Serrano, 119, Madrid (28006).

The Institute main building is the Rockefeller building, is an historical landmark in Spanish Science. It was inaugurated in 1932, and was the first (only?) advanced physics and chemistry laboratory at the time. Enrique Moles, Miguel Catalan (of optical multiplet fame) and Blas Cabrera all worked here in its heyday.


Your first need to reach the front of the Rockefeller building. Once you get there, you are nearly at our lab:vista Rock frente











 Just as you are facing the entrance, move to your left, and keep goind around the main building

vista Rock lado












 A bit farther, at the corner, you will end up in front of our lab (there are only two small buildings in that area, ourselves and the Magnetic Resonance building, ours is the one on the left):

vista entrada-2008-02-02